Apostolic Strategies for Kingdom Reformation Series 3

An excerpt form Apostolic Strategies for Kingdom Reformation Series 3: On the one hand there is a continuing drumbeat declaring that the Lord is doing new things, and as a result there is the progressive revelation and unfolding of the purposes of God for this new season. On the other hand a fixation continues on topics of prosperity and destiny, unrelated to other mandatory kingdom realities. So the gap widens between the “haves” and the “have-not”. Men are swayed by the preaching of nice ditties for the entertainment of the hearers who are described by the Apostle Paul as the “itching ears crowd”. They quickly label these sermons as revelation, though they do not reflect the present conversation of the Father with the Son.
A clear sense of “nowness” is beginning to endue a company of people as they wait for the full revealing of the Sons of God and the coming of the kingdom of God. Meanwhile the biblical reality is that for over 2000 years the declaration has been, “Repent for the kingdom of God is here among you NOW”.
Men’s minds are yet trapped by traditional doctrines, though popular messages dress up these same teachings in modern terminology, meanwhile resisting “present truth”. Men without the growing revelation of “God’s heart” for the season position themselves before the veil and setting themselves as god to resist and block those who are pressing in, by their arguments against what is being uttered by “voices from His excellent glory”.
Obviously the stage is being set for a showdown as the two powers of Luke 21:26, 27 begin to array themselves for the confrontation that is inevitable. The “No names” that have been hidden by God in the wilderness of the present post-Pentecostal religious season, yet still are beginning to emerge, speaking an uncomfortable word that challenges the status quo. Earnest saints wait to see if this is the season for the budding of Aaron’s rod, and if so, how and where it will be manifested.
Earth is again on tiptoe awaiting the manifestation of the Sons of God. The woman, the church that is pressing forward cries out in labor pain, as fathers also join in the labor for the full maturation of a company of sons in this acceptable season of the Lord’s favor. The sons themselves begin to join in the cry for the “revelation of the Son in me”.
Yes, redefinition is mandatory for those who now acknowledge the fact that we have been in the season of trumpets. Not all will hear the word, but there are a people who are appointed and ordained to a new level of relationship and function in this season, to them is this word sent to awaken in them a right response to the Spirit of the Lord.
Therefore let this word be published and trumpeted throughout all the earth.



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