Daily Archives: August 7, 2020

6 posts

Navigating Towards Success

The most important aspect of your life and ministry, that is foundational to your success [Navigating Towards Success], is your accurate knowledge and understanding of God’s eternal purpose in Christ. Everything revolves around His purpose, and more so, we know [with great confidence] that every detail in our life for God is worked into something good according to His plan and purpose. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who […]

Walk In Love

An excerpt from the book “Navigating Towards Success: In Pursuit of Fulfilment”; Love is a beautiful thing that everyone wants to experience. But unfortunately, we have become a religious society that places so much value on charisma [gifts], when we should really be focused on the cultivation of this character [nature] of love. If your spiritual authority and submission is not rooted in love to serve one another, then it is not an accurate reflection of the heart of Christ and […]

Know Your Specific Calling

An excerpt from the book “Navigating Towards Success: In Pursuit of Fulfilment”; Your calling is specifically referred to as your God-given gifts, talents, potential and ability, but it is often used in relation to one’s ministry, as both are interrelated. Every believer has been given gift(s) by God, which are known as the nine “spiritual gifts” of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1-11). 1) Word of Wisdom 2) Word of Knowledge 3) Faith 4) Gifts of Healing 5) Working of Miracles […]

Know Your Divine Purpose

An excerpt from the book “Navigating Towards Success: In Pursuit of Fulfilment”; Knowing your divine purpose is simply knowing God’s plan for your life and knowing what He has called you to do on earth – [It is the specific task you are to do which God has created you for]. This is also considered as your divine assignment. Your fulfillment in life is determined greatly upon you becoming what you were predestined by God to be and do, according […]

Build Your Character

An excerpt from the book “Navigating Towards Success: In Pursuit of Fulfilment”; To be successful in life, you must develop the virtues of godly character, integrity, honesty and holy living that flows from a pure heart. It is an essential nature of the divine life of God in the believer’s life. The absence of these virtues will open the doors for craftiness and familiar spirits to influence you and your works. It is up to you to develop the discipline […]

Set Your Affection on Heavenly Realities

An excerpt from the book “Navigating Towards Success: In Pursuit of Fulfilment”; [In Pursuit of Fulfilment]: We are creatures with thoughts, and our lives are shaped by our thoughts. Your mindset is the most important factor that influences and determines your success in life. The mind is a powerful force that literally has the power to create your reality. It plays an important role in the pursuit and fulfilment of your divine purpose and destiny. It dictates your life and […]