Daily Archives: February 6, 2019

2 posts

Keys to Reaching the Nations

The great commission is not simply an evangelical mandate, but is an apostolic assignment. It is not just to save souls, but to disciple the nations. Salvation of souls does not lie in our hands, but in the realm of the Spirit of God as He draws them into His Kingdom. Let the evangelical work of reaching souls continue even as we understand the commission that it is essentially apostolic in nature. The commission is for those who are sent […]

Church Planting vs Making Disciples

First and foremost, “Church” is not a building used for public worship, or a Christian development program, or a denominational institution. This is the mindset and understanding of many people today and it is a wrong biblical understanding of the Church. The word “Church” comes from the Greek word “ekklesia” which is defined as “an assembly of called-out ones.” The root meaning of “Church” is not that of a building, but of people. The ekklesia of Christ is not a […]